Choosing The Right Nicotine Strength
If you're considering transitioning from smoking to vaping, selecting the appropriate nicotine level for your e-cigarette is essential for a seamless switch. If you find that you're not getting the nicotine satisfaction you're accustomed to from smoking when you begin vaping, there's a risk of reverting back to cigarettes. Therefore, when purchasing e-liquids, the nicotine strength is a critical factor to consider. Nicotine is one of the key ingredients in vape juice, and choosing the correct strength of e-liquid will also assist you in selecting the appropriate PG/VG ratio and vape device. Starting by determining the right nicotine level is a crucial step in embarking on your vaping journey.
What Is Nicotine?
Nicotine is a chemical compound that is derived from a tobacco plant(1). Nicotine is an alkaloid, which means it contains nitrogen and is chemically similar to things like coffee and cocaine. As well as the tobacco plant, nicotine is also found in potatoes, tomatoes and aubergine, albeit in very tiny amounts. To compare there is about 20mg of nicotine in 1g of tobacco, compared to that of 0.0001mg per 1g of aubergine.
Nicotine is an optional addition to e-liquid, and the majority of vape juices are available in strengths of 0mg, 2mg, 3mg and 5mg. The addition of nicotine in e-liquid is there to help you manage your cravings after switching from smoking.
What Do The Numbers On The Bottles Of E-Liquid Mean?
This number relates to how many milligrams of nicotine there is per millilitre of e-liquid. Essentially – the lower the number, the less nicotine there is. Sometimes it’s written in a percentage format too – for example a 2mg/ml is 0.2% nicotine.
How Much E-Liquid Is Equilavent To Smoking A Cigarette?
This leads us to the crucial question: how do you determine the optimal nicotine strength for your needs?
Which Nicotine Strength Is Right For Me?
The key factor in determining this boils down to your smoking patterns. Consider your daily cigarette consumption, whether they were of a lighter variety, and use that as a starting point. The nicotine strength you opt for is individualized to your preferences. Experimenting with a stronger e-liquid might aid in transitioning from smoking to vaping, and once you discover the suitable strength, you can gradually decrease it over time. Another advantage is that selecting a slightly lower strength allows you to vape until you feel satisfied without experiencing an excessively strong hit.
0mg nicotine – the nicotine free option is ideal for social smokers who only have the odd cigarette when they’re out and just want the feel of smoking, or to dilute their juice that does have some nicotine to make it a little more mild. It’s also for hobbyists who just enjoy being able to blow vapour rings and do the Irish Waterfall in the comfort of their own home.
3mg nicotine – This is the lowest level nicotine you can get in a liquid (unless you mix it yourself with some 0mg to dilute it). It’s often the ideal final step for people quitting smoking, who have reduced their intake to almost nothing. We’d also recommend this concentration for light smokers who are getting through only a few cigarettes a day.
5mg-6mg nicotine – Another low-level nicotine strength, it’ll still give you the nicotine buzz you’re looking for, similar to what you’d expect from some brands of Ultra Low/Ultra Light cigarettes. This one is for those of you who are getting through around 10 a day – though depending on the strength of what you’re used to the 3mg might be better suited.
10mg-12mg nicotine – Made for your average smoker, who gets through up to a pack a day. It’s a good place to start to get you used to vaping and will give you enough to keep the cravings away.
18mg nicotine – through to 20mg nicotine – This is a high nicotine level for people who are getting through a serious number of cigarettes, by this we mean over a pack a day. The strength of the juice needed will also dictate the kind of device you’ll need as not all vapes are made the same. 20mg nicotine is available within nicotine salts, also used in disposable vape pens.
Some Further Tips:
If you still want the throat hit, but the amount of nicotine is too high, try an e-liquid with a 50:50 VG/PG ratio, the more PG there is, the more of that I-can’t-believe-it’s-not-cigarettes feel you’ll get.
It’s a process – if you’re a heavy smoker it’s OK to start out with a high nicotine content, if it helps you quit, it’s what’s going to be better in the long run and you can gradually reduce the strength over time.
If in doubt, go a bit lower – it’s worth trying the slightly lower strength so you don’t overdo it and end up with a nic headache – the last thing we want is for you to have a bad first vaping experience. The other thing is, if it’s a bit lower you can just take a few more drags until you feel about right – vaping means nicotine absorbs into your system a little slower than smoking so give it a few minutes when you first try it and see how you feel.
As mentioned – not all electronic cigarettes are made for high-strength nicotine, with Sub Ohm devices being too powerful for the high doses, you’ll need something different. To help you choose the best one for your needs, have a look at our Beginners Guide to Vape Kits to help you out.
If you’re looking for alternatives to vaping but still require nicotine, this can be achieved with other products including our range of nicotine pouches, gums and heated tobacco products.
Knowing how to store your e-liquid correctly will guarantee the best flavour experience possible and prolong their lifespan.
* Check out our clear and simple Beginners Vaping Guide which will answer all of your questions about the world of vaping.
Sources: contains general information about vaping and vapour products. The information provided is not medical advice, and should not be relied upon unless explicity cited. We do not make any warranties surrounding the health benefits, reliability and accuracy of written copy across all pages on our website, including blog content and content posted on social media.